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Salt Brining Steak. Is Salt Brining Steak Worth It?

Salt Brining Steak 101. Here I will answering questions like how long to salt brine your steak, along with other questions like, is salt bringing steak worth it? Let's dive into all things regarding salt brining steak, what it does to the protein, and if it is truly worth the extra effort. WHAT IS SALT BRINING?

Salt bringing steak is the process of using salt to change not only the taste of your steak of but its fibers. It breaks down the proteins making the protein more tender AND juicer. The movement of salt into protein is a process called, "Osmosis". Even with thicker cuts of steak, salt can penetrate down into it, with enough time.

Is Salt Brining Steak Worth It?
Salt Brining Steak


You can use ANY salt for salt brining steak. I like to use kosher salt personally. I would use a finer grain for thinner cuts of steak and more course grains for thicker. This is because with a finer grain it will permeate the meat quicker. The thicker the steak, the more of a course grain it can take. Thicker, plat, flaky salts will slowly release into thicker cuts. Use your favorite, and don't forget to play around with it a little bit. STEP BY STEP GUIDE HOW TO SALT BRINE STEAK

  1. Select you cut of steak as well as your choice of salt.

  2. Having a tray and grate ready. Salt your steak like you would normally steak it before throwing it on the grill. No need to go heavy. Make sure you do both sides.

  3. Place your steak on the grate and put in your refrigerator. No need to cover it, you want the air to move all around the steak (hence the grates to get underneath).

  4. After 45 minute up to 24 hours in your refrigerator, use a paper towel to remove any extra salt or moisture. Bring your porterhouse steak up to room temperature (approximately an hour on the counter).



Salt brining a steak and want to know how long you'll need. Well that all depends on how long you have. Preferrable

DO YOU RINSE STEAK AFTER SALT BRINE? You certainly can, I do not. I simply pat dry any moisture or left over undissolved salt. There is enough seasoning throughout the steak, you do not need any steak rub or spice either. If you do rinse your steak, make sure you thoroughly pat it dry afterwards.

IS DRY BRINGING STEAK WORTH IT? Is salt brining worth it? IT SURE IS! I will salt brine any steak protein I can get my hands on. I love how it tenderizes the steak, gives it an absolutely beautiful color, and how delicious it is. Once you start salt brining steak, you'll never go back. Enjoy

Is Salt Brining Steak Worth It?
Salt Brining Steak

Is Salt Brining Steak Worth It?
Salt Brining Steak

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