I dunno about you guys, but I do not like dry left over mashed potatoes. I'm always looking for ways to spruce these bad boys up. Here is tonight's addition of my left over expedition. I'm Canadian, so bacon sounds about a right place to start. I can make this quick by sauteing onions and celery at the same time. See how I made this side dish..... Prep Time: 10 Minutes Cook Time: 15 Minutes Total Time: 25 Minutes Ingredients: Mashed Potato Left Overs (2 + cups) Bacon (3 slices, roughly chopped) Parmesan Cheese (1/4 Cup) Egg (1 )
Flour (1/4 cup) Marble Cheese (1/4 cup) Onion (medium, diced)
Celery (1 stalk, thinkly diced) Italian Seasoning (1/2 TBSP)
Garlic (2 cloves, minced) Salt and Pepper (to taste) Oil (1/2 cup) Instructions: 1. In a frying pan, cook bacon slices. Add onion and celery and saute. Once cooked, chop bacon and add to mixture. 3. Using the same pan, add the oil on medium high heat. 2. Combine all ingredients into a a bowl. Form 1/2 cup patty's with your hands and drop into the hot oil. 4. Cook for approximately 15 minutes, turning halfway through. 5. Serve immediately. Bon Appetite.
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