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Camping Tobermory With A Toddler


The first thought about going camping this year with a two year old was: can we actually do this? Is camping toddler friendly?

This years camping destination was The Bruce Peninsula National Park, aka "Tobermory" as people like to call it around the greater Toronto area of Canada. This place is known for their crystal blue waters that remind you of an exotic location with breath taking grotto rock formations.

Cyprus Lake Campground is where the grotto's are located (main attraction). This campground exceeded our expectations. Since our two year old little legs can't do long distance walking, we needed to bring our stroller to give him breaks. The pathways in and around our campsites were well kept that our stroller had no problems. Completely stroller friendly campground. The second question was, would he be able to sleep in our tent? With a big enough tent like ours, we were able to fit our double blow mattress as well as our play pen crib for him to sleep in. He fell asleep within 30 minutes of getting to our campsite, so it was safe to say that the outdoors tuckered him out and he had zero issues sleeping.

Now would we be able to camp like we used to pre-baby? All meals cooked over fire, doing every hiking trail we could find, care free with time just like we used to? To answer that question quickly... NO. We now have a toddler. We hiked in the morning and came back to camp for his nap time. We were only able to do the hiking trails that were stroller / wheel chair accessible.

The good news was that The Bruce Peninsula National Park contains so many easy rated trails that we were able to take full advantage of the great outdoors. Multiple stroller friendly hiking trails with boardwalks.The Grotto Trail was even walking distance from our campsite.

Quick Tips on visiting the Grotto / Camping Cyprus Lake: - You do not need to purchase parking tickets in advance to see the Grotto's. You can access it from any campsite in Cyprus Lake. - GO EARLY!! If you are camping you have the luxury of hiking it early. It gets very busy by 10:00am during the summer months. Enjoying the beautiful views without the crowds is much more enjoyable. - The hiking trail is stroller friendly and a relatively easy hike. I even saw babies in slings or toddler backpacks down in the grotto's. - There are washrooms right before the actual Grotto. Bring your swim suits and change there. Hey pack a picnic too :) - There are NO showers at Cyprus Lake Campground.

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