That's a mouthful to say and a mouthful of sweet and salty. I wanted to do an EPIC pickle recipe for all my team picklers and I think I NAILED IT! I mean bacon, pickle, cream cheese, wrapped in a warm pastry how can you go wrong.

Prep Time: 5 Minutes Cook Time: 50 Minutes Total Time: 55 Minutes
Ingredients: - Pickles (8 Large, garlic dill) - Bacon (6 slices, 2 fulled cooked, chopped)
- Cream Cheese (1/2 cup, softened) - Cajun Seasoning (1/2 Tbsp)
- Pillsbury Crescent Rolls ( 1/2 container) Directions:
1. Preheat oven to 400 Degrees. Add softened cream cheese, cajun, and cooked bacon. Mix thoroughly. Add to icing bag. 2. I used a reusable metal straw to hollow out my pickles. If you have something large, I recommend using it. Using the icing bag, pipe the cream cheese mixture into each pickle. Wrap 1/2 slice of bacon around each pickle. Bake for 25 Minutes. 3. Once partially cooked, remove from oven and wrap 1/2 slice of Pillsbury crescent roll onto the pickle. You can use a whole slice if you prefer. Place back into the oven for another 25 minutes. Serve Immediately.
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